Tagged: one

Best Police Dirtbike Chases Compilation – FNF

The best high definition police dirtbike chases that are available on the internet. All of them are new, little before seen, and are all high quality. No crappy cellphone recordings or 240p here!

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/failsandfightsfnf
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/failsandfightsonline
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/failsandfights

I finally got permission to reupload this video. If you have not gotten the chance to see this one yet, please check it out as before it was removed it had 800,000 views with 3k likes and less than 100 dislikes. Very high rated video. Unfortunately I had to remove one “problem clip” which wasn’t really a problem… it was the clip with the “12 o clock boyz” in Baltimore, Maryland.


Best Police Dirtbike Chases Compilation – Police Dashcam Edition 1/2

These are not my normal quality videos, which is why I do not usually include them. I have enhanced the quality as much as possible but they are still 480p upscaled to 720p at best. Also, the audio is not good. But so many peope asked for it, so I had to do it.

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